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  • So BD changed their White lube formula again but this time they didn't announce the change from last month? (Also hi guys, irl issue is the reason I'm not back yet) Edit: Shiiiiit that's a lot of additions BD put in the lube o_O (see my 2nd comment below)
    As one of my favourite youtubers recently said: „Don’t be a fanboy.“
    You can like a product, but that doesn’t mean you HAVE to like the company or their other products as well.
    Same case here. If you like BD‘s older Models that‘s fine even if you aren’t a fan of the company anymore.
    If they messed up their formula, well fuck. But their other products are still as good or maybe bad as before.
    Definitely staying away from that. I still have an unopened bottle and a little under half of another bottle of the old white cumlube. I've never had issues with it. It's definitely past whatever the expiration date is, but I haven't issues. I also haven't toyed in over a year, so I can't comment as to if it's still good now. I'll look elsewhere for lube now. Toys too.
    I'm looking at TTC to see what models appeal to me and have specs I like. When I want a new toy I'll look to them first.
    I know a few people have messaged me. Don't worry I see the notifications to add (probably) pics for the Compendium and I WILL reply back when I can sit down and actually do stuff. I'm doing finals this week on top of work so it's kinda hectic last and this week.
    MFW BD gets back to me about the Mad Cat color (ticket was mid Feb) apparently 2 weeks ago...that due to the virus no customs rn. Uh...thanks for the super late reply? Like...I get NOW they can't but in Feb they could've...?Geez when did responses to tickets get so long. Not a rant but is month long wait to responses common now? :S
    Damn @ the reddit user that got their toys cut up. Makes me remember years ago how much hell and misery my mom raised when she found my bank statement and looked up BD Enterprises. Glad I moved out from that shit. Hope that reddit user can move out or in the least...SOMETHING. :l
    Looks like custom toys are gonna be suspended at 6pm PST until further notice. Just giving a heads up to those that didn't get the email
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    Is that because of CV?
    Makes sense. Thanks for the heads up.
    @BorisLover sorry for the late reply but yeah. " ..regarding COVID-19 and the rapid escalation of the pandemic now heavily influencing daily operations, Bad Dragon has made the decision to temporarily suspend Made-to-Order / Custom Orders starting Sunday, March 29 at 6:00 pm PST, but will continue to operate as long as we are able to."
    People wonder why there's mask shortages; people just come into the ED and grab a few to a handful of face masks. -_- Glad the front put them behind the counter this week, finally. PSA: the surgical masks do NOT even prevent airborne pathogens. N95 is what we use to care for patients with airborne precautions and you need to be fitted for one (at least here you do) otherwise it won't work.
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    I'm already annoyed that I've seen people go aggro at retail workers for not having (insert item being hoarded). Stop treating retail workers like being out of stock is THEIR fault. These are the same assholes that walk in our hospital, not to be treated, just to take our face masks and essentially take it from others that NEED that when they check in.
    Sorry, for the rant. I'm just sick of going to or from work and stopping somewhere and seeing how nasty people are getting to each other. I get it, people are afraid, but EVERYONE is dealing with this...maybe some have other problems on top of this. Just be kind to others damn it :/
    While the new toy doesn't appeal to me at all (though I love it's signature)..someone really went all out on making the story with him which I can appreciate.
    Just a heads up to everyone. If there's any pics on the offical BD forums you liked...nows the time to save them. It was down for 2 weeks next time it could never be back up. Also I'll be saving pics on my Compendium/Story Corner incase they take a hit again...if anything piques your interest I'd recommend saving em before they stop existing :/
    And the verdict for RR's at TTC: With this in mind we can definitely try to create a similar colored toy for you. This would be a $25 charge on top of the base price.

    With the offical BD forums down guess what else took a hit with its pictures....???? Color Compendium now has a lot of missing pics. Jfc I'm so upset. 😭
    Anyone know off the bat if TTC would be willing to do one of their own variants of rainbow ribbon pours? The Cortez someone got today and a Jake they made looks pretty close to a RR and I assume Twintail would be willing to do it? Just curious if anyone has a confirmation on this yet
    Agh. Is Essence in the Q3 or Q4? I thiiiiink it's the 4th Q but not sure

    If it's the 4th I might as well submit my ticket this Friday. Maybe they'll reply to it by the following week. (apparently CS replies are at 7 days now??) Cause it'd be my luck they'd say "well we're not doing the YiR sale now that it's over" I reaaaally hope they're not gonna be like that though and honor the ticket date you submitted it. 😔
    So now I guess the 5$ fee is only for that quarter so...not whenever we ticket befire the 27th. But it also looks like the "Best of Colors" are still promo price (Unicorn cake for ex. is 15) but the "not the best" (if that's a description) is only 5$. Kinda weird but works for me. Hope Essence isn't the best then lmao
    Anyone know if a color that's not being sold for the YiR it's "promo price PLUS 5$" or "5$"? Seems reddit people are confused as well and I can't find any info
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    yeah. Q~Q i’m glad that i got to fully participate last year though because i would have such regret if i never got to at least once.

    ikr they had it turned on for Fenrir the first time around so i’m hopeful but i am worried about that one for sure.

    indeed! T~T
    Snow Pony
    Snow Pony
    I'm thinking of an Orochi as well. Need to use up that store credit at some point...
    I ticketed something similar about the YiR, altought my ticket was just to know if even older promo colors are avaible or if you can mix certain promo colors and so to make new combos and what the price would be. Not sure if that would help, but would be extra information that maybe someone will thank? I personally want certain color mix that is not from 2019 or if I can mix birthstone colors to make new marbles.
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