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  • Im thinking about auctioning my FB gigabeast but im unsure if anyone is actually interested 🤔
    Im also not sure what a good autobuy price would be. Its a retired model with spooky seconds and UV so I feel like its worth a pretty penny to collectors. At the same time I dont want to seem like im.... trying to drain anyone dry and I want to make the autobuy actually obtainable you know?
    Hnnng im getting rid of over half my toys in the next few weeks and I'm a bit bummed tbh. Mainly just unsure which toys I will miss which is causing me to feel a bit :/ so I might have to purge in two waves. Either way I know im not going to have too much toy time in the forseeable future because my living situation is shifting (which is something im looking forward to but it also means I wont have as much privacy)
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    Reactions: NyxErosophos
    Im not leaving the hobby buuuuuttttt my collecting days are over for atleast the next year. I might get 1 last toy (literally the last toy that was on my wishlist lmao) but I am not even sure ill habe time to use my current collection so I will have to feel my way out and wait for things to settle. Hopefully I wont regret downsizing in the next few months!
    I get not being able to buy more if the living situation shifts, but is it essential to downsize?
    @BorisLover I think so mainly because my privacy and storage are being decreased! Im moving in with my partner and a mutual friend, they both dont care about my toys but I like to toy alone which is something my new situation won't accomodate as easily ergo downsizing is best for storage/practicality sake. I might be wrong which is why I am worried but its not feasible to move my entire collection anyways.
    Bros I think im in dick withdrawel. I havent bought any new dicks all month because of Covid and it's a strange feeling. Love my current toys but even they havent been getting as much attention as they should because I havent been as motivated to play.
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