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  • hi!!! I used to be boku on the bd forums!! nice to see you still active! I remember meeting you ehe, hope you are well!
    I have a question and was wondering if anyone here could answer it.

    I have been SCOURING the net and cant find the specific question I'm trying to have answered.
    So I own some GP-5 gasmasks. The old soviet era ones.
    Now I know that the filters most likely contain asbestos and I do NOT use them.

    My question IS - Are the masks on their own safe to wear?
    (Cont. in comments)
    Without the filters, in theory they should be safe. Be sure (of course) that you've cleaned any dust/residue out (dawn or similar brand dish soap should be safe on the rubber). These masks are old rubber & leather usually, there's a chance of brittleness due to age, just FYI.
    Source: A fuckton of old ex-military fetishists and 15+ years in the fetish/bondage dungeon scene.
    I've seen WWII - Gulf War era masks worn on a regular.
    Cool thanks very much Nyx.
    In my endeavors to reduce my waste and consumption of non-recycables, I've finally purchased a 'moon cup'.
    Oddly excited to give this a go as I haaate pads and tampons, and I've seen great reviews.
    Plus it's medical grade silicone and we here all know how to keep those in tip top condition :D
    Holy hell.
    I took a stroll into my local sex shop and.... they sell fantasy dicks!!
    Ive never seen anything beyond the glass tentacle and tail plugs (if they count as fantasy?)
    It was cool! Im so glad its becoming more accessible now.

    They were basic colours and there were two tentacles and a dragon/ demon dick looking one. But hey its a start.
    Snow Pony
    Snow Pony
    I agree. The moment I opened the image, I named each toy on the spot, and then I tried to search out the "maker", who doesn't seem to exist. While exciting af to see fantasy toys stocked so close to home, it's also pretty sad to know that they're knock-offs. I wouldn't place bets on them being 100% silicone, either. They can say "100% silicone" on the package if even one piece of the toy is silicone, like a SC.
    Thanks everyone for enlightening me..
    I didnt say that the products were legitimate, just stating what I saw. I didnt make that clear in my post.

    My point was that fantasy toys are becoming far more mainstream and accessible.

    BUT ANYWHO. I did tell the shop keeper about Bad Dragon and a few other toy companies off the top of my head. I could be wrong about the brand name too. The font was weird 🤷‍♀️
    So I've been trying to figure this one out and just realized the name is Bed Candy.
    Still can't find a site but I'm one typo closer to solving this.
    In case anyone else wanted to sleuth.
    Anyone crafty here?
    I want to turn my full hooded gasmask into a creepy lamp with LEDs.
    My first idea was a glass mannequin head but they're elusive and expensive. My buddy suggested a styrofoam head with carved out holes for the eyes and light pack, but was wondering if anyone else had ideas.
    Plastic fishbowl from petsmart go for like $5 if you wanted space to work with and more room for lights
    For a rubber hood? would need to be an odd shaped fishbowl !! thanks for the idea though. I didnt entertain plastic before.
    So after what is it... 6 ? years of them being discontinued, I am starting to become obsessed with monster high dolls... Theyre so freaking cool.
    Agreed ! I was into my late teens when they started being released so well past that phase. Funny how you recede back to some childhood guilty pleasures as an adult though.
    Bratz were my childhood doll. They're kind of freaky but I still love them.
    I started reading up about MH and Mattel changed their look because they wanted them to be more appealing to kids ?
    sigh. If only Mattel knew the fanbase they truly had
    @FoxyCatZaam awe that sounds awesome!! I was obsessed with animals so these hybrids would have been my jam 😭
    Im so freaking excited though because I got a few on Ebay coming in the mail (rescues for customising!) plus some others from a local seller. .Gonna have so many :D
    Can someone provide me with an up to date list of all the fantasy sex toy companies currently in production?
    I've been out of the game far too long.
    I am in fucking tears of laughter, but a small amount of frustration.

    So I'm reading some porn, all is going well I suppose.
    When out of the blue a character yells "PUNCH THE CUNT."

    I died. My lady boner died. Everything died.
    Well I caved ... yet another sexy thingy-majig is on the way..
    Sometimes I feel like I'm becoming distant from the fantasy sex toy community. Its been so long since I've bought a dragon.
    Just too damn expensive. And that aussie dollar is getting weaker by the day :'(
    Snow Pony
    Snow Pony is in Aus, and while a lot of their toys are on the less expensive side, most of them look, I don't The last dildo I was looking at was something from HodgePodge...120 AUD shipping for a medium toy, according to Etsy. BD always seems to run be between 70 - 95 AUD.
    @Snow Pony I've seen Geeky Sex Toys and I do not like the look of any of them. That marketing is enough to make me cringe.
    Snow Pony
    Snow Pony
    Yeah. I find almost everything they have, off-putting. Their newest toys look like knock-offs of other companies. When I looked at their page today, I thought their tentacle toy was Ika.
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