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  • Guess I wasn't crazy when that Ika was labelled as Rainbow Vanilla parfait months ago. And I seen on Reddit you can get it in "blueberry and the rainbow marble" too? Anyone able to confirm?
    “Blueberry” variant has appeared but was always labled “rogue”. As far as i know it isn’t orderable as of now
    I...huh. So my order from BF has said "label created" since the 3rd and has no updates. Apparently someone never scanned the package past that until today. So uh...I'll get it Monday lol.
    I hate always having to initiate a conversation...if you never put in effort why should I? Love how I bring this up as an issue I'm tired of and the response is "sorry you feel that way". Oooook that's a "friendship" I just checked out of.
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    Wow... Thats a shitty response. Sorry that you're dealing with this.
    @Bun yeah...back handed apologies are super fun /s. I'm so confused with why people say their friends with someone when they don't act like it *shrug*. But I do appreciate how you always comment on peoples status' when they're having a bad day, it's really sweet of you. 💜
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    I don't think people have the same definition of friendship anymore. It's everyone for themselves now a days and that's sad. I just wish I could make everyone feel better, but the least I can do is try to make everyone feel less alone.
    I feel bad for that person on Reddit who got a completely different color on the BF sale than what arrived. Their "compensation" is 15$ store credit. I hope they press and get something more, I buy toys 80% based on color (model type comes second tbh) so that would definitely upset me to get that response 😕.
    A long time ago when I worked in fast food as my first job and had shitty customers demand a managers #, I'd give my friends # to them...shit posting ensued. Was like a reverse prank call. I'm laying in bed thinking about that rn. Younger me was an asshat lmao.
    Jfc. Like...I can understand being disappointed today but to rally up a bunch of also upset people (the thread called Complaint PSA on reddit) to mass send complaints to CS...or every other thread saying their boycotting BD...geez.
    It's like nobody has any real problems anymore, you know? :/ When I worked in retail, I saw a dark, uncaring, selfish, greedy, bitchy, punch-worthy side of humanity. Being on the Internet brings that up sometimes, particularly with the BD crowd. Sometimes, customers are shits. It's a sad fact of life.
    @Lapras_Laas Getting cussed out daily over 7$ meals wasn't worth it when I tried helping my old manager out this year..and "the customer is always right mentality " was super toxic 😷. Had customers come in JUST to try getting something like a discount/free job gave it to them no question. Looks like the same attitude on that thread to rally up angry people to message CS :/
    Yeah, it's just bizarre. People act as if Bad Dragon is a huge company like Amazon. They seem to forget that things like servers cost a lot of money. They want Bad Dragon to invest in more powerful servers, more space, more labor to process orders, more molds, etc. but they don't want the cost of the toys to go up... They think that the people who work there are insanely rich assholes who wallow on piles of money.
    To anyone; post pretty pics of the inventory drop or things you all get! I'm sitting out for this one.
    Ordered the Maw from Qimera. Really love the "old" model better than the soon updated one. Also I didn't get a confirmation email on my order so...hope everything goes good without issue!
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    I was working a 2nd job (old fast food place) because I loved my manager and she was super short staffed for the past 2 months so I offered to work once a week. After getting cussed out by another entitled shit over a 7$ meal I quit after my shift (they wanted more food for no charge). Yeah. I'll stick to being a nurse at my hospital. Love my manager, but I'm not going to tolerate verbal abuse over fucking fast food
    Also on a better note, my college situation got resolved. They apparently meant to charge someone else. Makes sense since I didn't even enroll in anything yet.
    Good for you! It's so sweet you tried for your manager, but you have to take care of yourself! I'm glad the college thing was a mix up. What a terrible mixup to be involved with though
    @Bun thank you! It happens but... man, up until today I was freaking out over the college incident. Now hopefully everything will be set for spring semester without another bump. >~<
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    I decided to go back to college this August and now they're telling me I owe 1900$. I was literally there when I seen my classes were paid in full in August. I feel anxious and sick because of what the fuck.
    Going to resume posting my aesthetic pics Thursday. The pics are too big to add from my phone so I gotta fix that (and work was busy this week)
    Does anyone know off hand if XCA does any kind of detailing (like if I want a certain part of the base X color with the rest a different color)?
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    Ere is amazing at detailing and will happily try her hand at it, give her a message on etsy she's super cool I promise <3
    @DaedraQueen awesome! I'll definitely do that soon, I want their new Aether model and if/when my idea is given an ok I'll post back here :) thank you!
    your very welcome!! I am also in love with Aether Im hoping to grab one soon <3
    Whew lad. I seen the multifirm Xar update on reddit and did not expect a drama-thon.
    Holy shit....trainwreck is not enough its a fucking disaster site
    I was the first to reply to him. I didn't expect all the upvotes lmfaoo
    Wow....holy shit. What a crap fest. For once, I actually feel bad for the BD CS folks. All they were doing was following procedures and rules set in place. I would've given them all the info they needed to help them out. In all actuality, I'd be more surprised than pissed. Thankfully, that has never happened to me.
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    First status but I'm excited to see the dragoness muzzle I got in the drop. Aka the meat marble w/ ketchup (or blood) highlight. Fitting for Halloween ^_^
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