Raspberrri's Ding Dang Dongles


Well-known member
Imma jump on the band wagon and do this!
I'll take pretty pics this weekend but for the time being please enjoy this delicious dong soup.

Collection as of 10/27/18:
Collection as of 12/17/18:
Collection as of 6/29/19:
Collection as of 11/24/19:
Collection as of 1/4/20:

Collection as of 5/17/20:

Let me know if there's any toy in particular you'd like to see more of!
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Well-known member
Can we see more of the mocha? I love how it has a chocolate highlight
Sure! He's one of my favorite pours I own! He's a surprise based on a cafe mocha. I attached an inspo pic of one with whipped cream and chocolate syrup and they totally nailed it.

He's so sparkly I actually didn't need to use flash to pick it up:

But flash is more color accurate, so here he is in all his chocolatey coffee goodness:


Well-known member
im waiting on a custom atlas in basically the same coloration!!! so beautiful!! can you give me your option of croxic?? im super interested in trying one but i don’t know if i want to wait for a custom 😭😭
Croxic is one of my faaavorite toys! The head feels amazing and the shape of the shaft does wonders for my body. The bulge is in the perfect place for me. I don't notice the textures much aside from the head but my body is weird about textures. I'd definitely recommend Croxic!