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  • I'm watching Princess and the Frog again, since my mate hasn't seen it and keeps talking about the Shadowman.
    And I'm reminded how much I have the hots for the Shadowman >.>
    I've been hooked on caramel popcorn lately. Decided to buy a pack of the slightly more expensive 'salted caramel' pack as well as a pack of my usual.
    Its no where near as tasty. Mistakes were made.
    Snow Pony
    Snow Pony
    Oh, sorry, by "so moreish" I just meant the stuff is stupidly tasty. Kettle salted caramel is what I'm personally hooked on. I'll get a full-sized bag, mean to take a couple handfuls, and go through the entire thing in one sitting if I'm not careful.
    Never heard that expression before!
    Oh geez yeah Ive nearly cleared both bags just this evening o.o
    Snow Pony
    Snow Pony
    Really? I thought "moreish" was a strictly Aussie thing. XD I've never heard anyone, anywhere else say it before. *Googles out of curiosity* Looks like the roots of the term is UK. I hear it all the time down here, though.
    Oooh I am in a tight spot. Really want to get a smaller/ smoother toy, don't want to sell my current ones.
    Small toys are usually really cheap if you buy used, so just save up a little?
    Guess I should have specified I don't want to spend more money either.
    I have the funds but Im saving for another trip to the states, and thats priority of course. The only way I can justify buying a new toy is selling off something I already own.

    Oh wow this has been a pointless vent indeed.
    LOL no, I understand wanting a toy when I can't justify it at the moment. I'm literally there going like.. I have to sell some toys if I were to get a new one.
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