USA WTT - HPE and PFC/PFF Squishes! Demonikit, Pumpkits, Desk Guardians!


Active member
Looking to trade 1 HPE Demonikit, 2 HPE Pumpkits, & 3 Desk Guardians! TRADE ONLY! All NIB, and coming from a smoke/drug/disease free home with one pup.

Looking for other Pumpkits, Demonikits, Deluxe Kits, Desk Guardians (Kouya, Carmela, Hyperion), DA Snails, and other cute squishes! Prefer pastels, neons, sparkle, UV/GITD. I'm open to offers, just looking for things that are cute and fit my aesthetic. Feel free to DM for more pics/info or with offers!


Pumpkit 1: Pumpkin coloration (orange with dark holo points/stem/leaf), super squishy! Bright UV!

Pumpkit 2: Black/white marble with purple accents, UV & GITD!

Demonikit: Green fade/marble, tons of shimmer, very UV!

Kouya: Black and red marble

Elva: Green marble/fade, GITD

Hyperion: Super cool black/purple pearlescent, lots of shimmer