Large/Med Flint (Bad Dragon) Flop w/CT in Aries Legacy

Large/Med Flint (Bad Dragon) Flop w/CT in Aries Legacy


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JinxedJoker submitted a new resource:

Large/Med Flint (Bad Dragon) w/CT in Aries Legacy - Large/Med Flint (Bad Dragon) w/CT in Aries Legacy

WTS (USA/CAN(?), but willing to discuss others)

Purchased new, lightly used by one person in a smoke free/disease free home, though we do own cats. Toy will be cleaned with bleach and bagged with care to be as clean as possible, but cannot guarantee free of all hair/allergens. Prices are asking, I am open to negotiation.

'Flopped for 'nick in base' (centered in last picture below).

Asking $116 + shipping, will invoice through PayPal (which should also provide a shipping discount!)
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