Traded WTT Auroras Small Stan, Small Spitfire, Medium Diego


Pastel Qween 👑
Wanting to trade a few auroras from this years drop. From a pet friendly, cootie free, fragrance friendly (my other addiction is bath and body works).
I know in bag pics arnt the best, but would prefer to keep them in bag since some folks only want them that way. I can take more pics upon request if needed!

Not accepting cash offers, these wont be for sale, please dont ask.

Looking for smaller smalls, or minis in Aurora, or rogue Aurora.
Some models/sizes I don't have as example: mini stan, small trent, small vasu, small crash, small diego (since the medium one was suppose to be small :cry: )
feel free to offer though, Im happy to look, but please don't get upset if I turn you down. I'm trying to avoid duplicates of models I have, and there's not many models left that I dont own in the sizes I can use (toys under 6 inches in thickness, knots have to be even smaller)

First up M/M Diego Named Aurora
No flops. He was listed as a small, turned out to be a medium (I'm still so sad about this!)
Bad dragon CS Requested an out of bag picture next to a ruler to confirm he was a medium. He was promptly put back in bag after.

Second S/M Spitfire Named Aurora!
This one is a flop for an inperfection on the bottom of the base, looks like silicone dripped to me. No nics or gouges tho! This toy is NIB.

Third is S/M Stan Named Aurora!
No Flops. Still NIB!

Thanks for looking!
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Pastel Qween 👑
I absolutely have no interest in rex, or chance.
also not interested in small orochis or mengs at all. (Im just not crazy about orochis texture even though I own a mini, and I already have a ribbony soft mini meng.)
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