Recent content by Lapras_Lass

  1. Lapras_Lass

    That's the great thing about toys - they don't feel neglected when you go for long periods of...

    That's the great thing about toys - they don't feel neglected when you go for long periods of time without a booty call. :P
  2. Lapras_Lass

    Show off your toys!

    How did you get so many auroras in only two years???? I've been collecting for six years and only have two! I've been to several aurora drops, but no matter how early I am, they all get snatched up. :,( What's your secret, seriously?
  3. Lapras_Lass

    It's not like they dump toxic waste into a river, but I saw an interaction they had with a...

    It's not like they dump toxic waste into a river, but I saw an interaction they had with a former customer that was just very unprofessional. I was sent the email by that customer, so it's not just gossip. I think that ultimately, I will still be a customer, but I'm less comfortable promoting...
  4. Lapras_Lass

    r/baddragon is up again!!!

    r/baddragon is up again!!!
  5. Lapras_Lass

    I miss r/baddragon. 😢 It was sort of my safe space. I had an upsetting experience the other...

    I miss r/baddragon. 😢 It was sort of my safe space. I had an upsetting experience the other night and posted in another sub for support, and immediately got spammed with disgusting messages. The mods just told me to block and ignore. That wouldn't have happened in the BD sub. The mods were so...
  6. Lapras_Lass

    TFW you learn that a toy company has done some questionable things, but you really, really...

    TFW you learn that a toy company has done some questionable things, but you really, really, REEEEEALLY want one of their toys... X/
  7. Lapras_Lass

    Now that the Reddit forum for BD is down, I wonder if things will get livelier here?

    Now that the Reddit forum for BD is down, I wonder if things will get livelier here?
  8. Lapras_Lass

    Placed a custom request with Darque Path, and they haven't said no! I'm so excited!

    Placed a custom request with Darque Path, and they haven't said no! I'm so excited!
  9. Lapras_Lass

    I'd heard they were having issues like tthat. Sounds rough. :(

    I'd heard they were having issues like tthat. Sounds rough. :(
  10. Lapras_Lass

    Hello, and welcome! Is DH also experiencing a slow period?

    Hello, and welcome! Is DH also experiencing a slow period?
  11. Lapras_Lass

    I'm having a little toast with hot cocoa right now. To the good old days of yore...

    I'm having a little toast with hot cocoa right now. To the good old days of yore...
  12. Lapras_Lass

    That feeling when most of the selling posts advertise toys that are too small for you... and...

    That feeling when most of the selling posts advertise toys that are too small for you... and then you realize that it's a blessing in disguise, because WTF are you doing looking for more dicks to buy? lol
  13. Lapras_Lass

    You should definitely find the name that is perfect for you! Just wanted to weigh in and say...

    You should definitely find the name that is perfect for you! Just wanted to weigh in and say that. :)
  14. Lapras_Lass

    Every name has a negative connotation if you look long enough.

    Every name has a negative connotation if you look long enough.
  15. Lapras_Lass

    Worst Adoption/Clearance Finds

    Individually, they're not bad, but... Yikes. Together, they're making my eyes hurt.