Recent content by GammaTheDickNiffler

  1. GammaTheDickNiffler

    @tequilacheesecake I DM'd ya! :3

    @tequilacheesecake I DM'd ya! :3
  2. GammaTheDickNiffler

    USA Mixed Lot Sale for XL Tastes

    Not the OP, but the Minotaur is made by Wandering Bard Toys :)
  3. GammaTheDickNiffler

    Cancelled *Ending 3/23 Price dropped again WTS 26 Indie toys, HPE, SBF, KV, BD, uberrime, DTE

    I'll pop this into the Archive in case you need to reference it later! :)
  4. GammaTheDickNiffler

    USA Silicone Packer (Etsy) with free teeny and packing pouch!!

    Hiya all, Gamma here to sell on a lovely packer from Etsy shop "WhereIsWilly" It's wonderful, but I've upgraded to a new one recently and don't really -n e e d- three packers, lol. Has 3D print marks on balls from the manufacturing process, just fyi (not a flop). Squishy soft firmness tho it...
  5. GammaTheDickNiffler

    @WolfWitch DM'd ya! ^.^

    @WolfWitch DM'd ya! ^.^
  6. GammaTheDickNiffler

    BD I EVERYTHING MUST GO MK.II: Chance Medium, David Medium, Pearce M and Others! Name your PRICE

    Hiya fam! It looks like the paper is your group photo got a bit obscured by camera flash or similar and I think some of the toys are almost out of the pic...they trying to escape haha! If you can grab a new pic for me, I would appreciate ya. Thanks!
  7. GammaTheDickNiffler

    Europe WTS [EU] many L-XXL Nothosaur, SwiSok and Weredog toys

    @gico Pls check your messages, I DM'd ya ^.^
  8. GammaTheDickNiffler

    BD I EVERYTHING MUST GO MK.II: Chance Medium, David Medium, Pearce M and Others! Name your PRICE

    Hiya @Ursine09 Just wanted to let you know posting pics upon request/inquiry isn't allowed unfortunately. Additional pics are fine ofc, but I need a primary group pic with a proof of ownership note pls. :) When you have a moment, upload a pic what you're selling and pls include a paper note that...
  9. GammaTheDickNiffler

    Masterpost: clit / t-cock masturbators

    Awesome, here's the link! ^.^
  10. GammaTheDickNiffler

    Masterpost: clit / t-cock masturbators

    Hiya @purogi :3 I have a stroker model to add to your list! 🥳 Idk how to add it tho, so pls let me know.
  11. GammaTheDickNiffler

    Beej's Toybox Silicone Inflatable Plug (Large)

    Thanks for the update! I'll archive your sales post for you.